Yuki Soga, writer & director, U.S. feature film presentation
Mid-20s Kiseki quits his job and moves to New York City in hopes of becoming a filmmaker, though he can barely pay rent. Luckily, he meets Clara, who has some low-budget filmmaking expertise of her own. As their money starts to run out, however, they find their ideals may not match.
New York Premiere

Hanna Gray Organschi, writer & director, 10 minutes
Bea decamps to her mother's house in the country to contend with a daunting new chapter. She is adult-adjacent: on the path to discovering who she is, but dissatisfied with her current self. Bea teeters into childish thinking, idealizing a notion of simplicity—that her life will be clarified by the addition of the least abstract new direction, a child. She is growing up faster than she feels ready for, but when confronted with her mother’s steely question about what she actually wants, Bea realizes a baby isn’t it. Having a kid won’t provide a respite from adulthood. Bea craves self-validation and has to figure out how to carve out her place in the world. Her struggle is the tricky process of individuating.

Jesse Shore, writer & director, U. S., 7 minutes
Stream of Consciousness follows the first date of Cole and Megan. As the date progresses we watch Cole struggle with his self doubt, personified incessantly through his reflection talking to him. As the date moves forward, Cole’s insecurities put any potential relationship at risk, only to be saved by another surprising voice.

Russell Southam, writer & director, Australia, 15 minutes
Sometimes your sanctuary is not always your salvation.
This film deals with the suspension of mental health outpatient services, border closures, and public health orders to self-isolate in Australia during the 2020/2021 Covid-19 global pandemic.
How do the homeless, the poor, and those ostracized by family and friends access their ongoing mental health care when social distancing closes regional outpatient services?